Monday, September 3, 2012

I Miss You

To the person whom this blog is dedicated to,

So this is how it’s going to be?
From now on
You look at me
And only see the mistake I made
In the heat of the moment
Everyone makes mistakes
I’m only human
I’m only learning
I’m still a child
Making mistakes to learn
But I will live my whole life with this mistake
It seems
Always remembering
The friend I lost from a silly mistake
From the stupid green-eyed monster
Can’t you see I’m fine?
I dealt with my problems
You would know if you were ever around me
Or said more than two words to me
My mind aches
Thinking of what could have gone differently
My heart aches from hurting you,
Bruised from getting hurt
Sorry for my selfishness
Sorry for my actions
Sorry for my mistake
It’s your turn
To apologize
For the damage you did me
The tears I shed
The fool you made of me
I begged and begged
You ignored and disregarded
I was invisible
I am now done
Cleared my name
Guilt free
Yet there is a weight on me still
A weight of not having this person, you
In my life any longer
At least not truly here
Let us forgive and forget
Mend our mistakes
And take it all back to before
Before that dreaded monster appeared
Before the yelling
Before the name calling
Before the mistake
I would take it all back if I could
But I can’t so I bear it
And wait and hope you shall
Eventually forgive me
And forget the pain
With love and longing
The Green